Twin Cities Group Classes
I offer group classes at TCOTC in Minnapolis, Minnesota focusing on competitive obedience and foundations for dog sports.
Currently I am there on Monday nights with classes at 7pm & 8:15pm.

Competition Obedience

I offer a non-structured class where students can work on exercises of their choosing from foundations through utility obedience. We have 2 full rings so students can spread out!
Think open ring time with the benefit of having a coach help you out when needed and other students to use as judges, stewards, and distractions!
Dogs can still be at the foundation level to join us. However handlers should have an understanding of the behaviors needed in competitive obedience if they wish to start directly in the competition class instead of starting in the "advanced class" at TCOTC. If you are looking for more "how to" guidance on numerous exercises I recommend joining the advanced or intro to competition classes first.
Advanced Obedience

This class is for those interested in competitive obedience, regardless of whether they want to trial or not!
We introduce a variety of behaviors such as:
backing up, retrieves, jump work, pivoting in heel, go outs, position changes in heel and at a distance, and fronts. This class roughly follows the goals in TEAM 1 and TEAM 2
Dogs need to have successful completion of TCOTC's Bedrock class or instructor permission. In general, an understanding of pivot work, foot targets, and focus with working around other dogs (on leash) are needed.
Intro to Competition Obedience
This class continues the skills learned in the Advanced Obedience class and takes them to the next level to prepare for the chains in novice, open, and utility! This is a structured class.
To join, students should already have a start to most the TEAM 1 & TEAM 2 skills such as pivoting in heel (without a perch), a retrieve to hand and/or a hold, an understanding of how to work their position changes with front and/or rear foot targets, directed cone sends, and more.
Please message me to see which level you should start in!
Ring Confidence
Create a solid ring preparation routine to prepare a young dog for trialing, or fix ring stress and focus issues with dogs who have already started competing. The most important class I teach! If you are struggling with getting your dog to perform in the ring the way they do in practice then this is the class I recommend!
A class looking at getting happy and confident performances when your rewards are located off your body and at a distance. We will also focus on how to train around distractions so your dog can focus even without a cookie in your hand! If you’ve ever said your dog only does it when you’re holding the reward in your hand then let’s work together to fix it!